Specializing In: Residential and Commercial Real Estate, Business Matters, Foreclosures, Probate Law, Estate Administration, and Estate Planning
A native of New Milford, Attorney Dratch practices in the areas of family law, criminal law, probate administration, adoptions and children's matters, and Social Security Disability. She also has extensive experience in personal injury litigation and residential real estate.
Attorney Dratch is a professional estate planning attorney offering her services to the greater New Milford, CT area. Call
today to schedule a service!
Before obtaining her law degree from the University of Bridgeport (now Quinnipiac) School of Law, Mrs. Dratch had extensive experience as a paralegal and was involved in fire protection regulatory work. She is a member of the National Fire Protection Association and an elected affiliate member of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers.
She is a member of the New Milford Chapter of the American Red Cross and a member of the vestry of Christ Church in Roxbury. She is a member of the Litchfield County Bar Association, the Danbury Bar Association, and the Connecticut Bar Association.